Saturday, Nov. 12th, 2022; “Convoluted”




  1. (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow.

I’m starting to get a picture.

Like a Fortune Teller, with their eyes shut tight and phalanges at the forehead (for dramatic effect of course).

Or like a movie, when a Magic 8 ball is shaken.

But this is real fucking life, and you know how if the earths clock’s entirety was converted into a 24 hour clock representative, us humans have only been here for like, what, 1.5 seconds, if that?

That’s how I feel now, like my life is theoretically mid shake but in practice, time is normal speed, of course, bc this isn’t a fucking movie. But enough ‘foreshadowing’…

I’ve been reading all kinds of official reports and documents, stats and data etc. from that time period (2013-2016) and it’s really solidified my intent to sue. Can’t wait to get my client file from DSHS/CPS in March and then it’s a go. Plus, I’ve already seen all the 1-800-OUR-BAD commercials late at night so apparently I’m not the only one feeling some type of way.

Basically, from what I’ve read, imo our case (i.e. the case they tried to bring against my mom) was like a cop’s wet dream at the time, if it had only went down like that.

Could you imagine, literally passing legislature, getting grants from all levels (fed, state, & local), starting/funding 2+ committee’s/task forces etc; so basically having all eyes on you/your jurisdiction when just so happens this case basically falls in your lap? Christ himself couldn’t have better timing (if that’s your thing, i guess) No fucking wonder it was discussed on CNN🙄